A World Heritage
Fågelsjö gammelgård, also called "The Farm Past the Stream", is one of seven decorated farm houses of Hälsingland that made it on to UNESCOs list of World Heritages 1st of July 2012.
Visit us and find out what life was like for a wealthy farming family. Step over the threshold of this grand early 19th century farm, where everything has been preserved. Look around in the old gunsmith’s workshop, examine the farmhands’ lodgings and the grain storage with seven locks.

American house Café
In the "American House" next to Gammelgården you'll find Café Bortom Åa. We serve coffee, home made pastries, bred, cinnamon buns and lunch.
The American House is also available for bookings.
During the summer we arrange courses in various crafts, for those who wants to deepen their knowledge a little bit further. Plant dyeing, Flatbread baking, Weapon forging and Iron blasting, Handicrafts, Knitting and Needle binding. More information about the courses can be found in the summer program.
Fågelsjö is located in Orsa Finnmark, in the border areas between Hälsingland, Dalarna and Härjedalen. Europaväg 45 - Inlandsvägen - passes about 3 km from the village. The inland railway stops in Fågelsjö, about 3 km from Gammelgården.
+46(0)657 300 30
Fågelsjö Gammelgård Beyond Åa
827 70 Loos